
NCLR is fighting to protect medical care for transgender adolescents

On November 3, NCLR filed a petition asking the US Supreme Court to review a devastating decision by the Sixth Circuit allowing states to completely ban medical care for transgender adolescents. This decision is not only extremely harmful in itself, but it also invites states to trample on the rights of vulnerable families and to target LGBTQ people with impunity.

We are under attack, but we are fighting back, and in many cases, we are winning. We cannot allow this appalling decision to stand. 

We do not make this decision lightly, but the crisis facing our community must be stopped, and we must use every tool available. In the past year, NCLR and our partner legal organizations have filed multiple challenges to state laws that target LGBTQ people in dangerous new ways that would have been unthinkable even in the recent past—from banning any discussion of LGBTQ issues in schools to banning transgender kids from playing school sports. 

These laws are insidious. They seek not only to harm LGBTQ people, but to instill terror and despair–to strip us of hope and intimidate us into passivity and inaction.

We will not be silenced, and we will never become collaborators in our own oppression. 
Now more than ever, legal advocacy matters. It is essential that we press our right to equal protection—to justice and respect—in our nation’s courts as loudly and as forcefully as we can—including in our nation’s highest court. 

Read our petition to the the US Supreme Court..

Thank you for continuing to support NCLR, especially at this challenging time.

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