Zen circles

Anniversary Circle

The Anniversary Circle is a special group of donors who have made significant personal commitments to NCLR and the fight for equality.

Anniversary Circle members are at the core of our work, championing NCLR as we champion LGBTQ people across the country. From our early days defending lesbian moms in child custody battles to the fight for marriage at the Supreme Court and on to a state by state elimination of the horrific practice of conversion therapy, Anniversary Circle members have been instrumental in NCLR’s fight for justice and audacity to win.

Questions? Please contact Elizabeth Lanyon.

Join the Anniversary Circle today with a one-time gift or monthly installments.

When you make a gift of $1,500 or more, you become a member of NCLR’s Anniversary Circle of major donors— an extraordinary group of leaders whose generous support is the cornerstone of funding for NCLR’s critical work.

Anniversary Circle | $1,500 – $2,499

  • Listing in annual report
  • Newsletters, Action Alerts and regular legal updates via email
  • Invitations to NCLR virtual events

Equity Circle | $2,500 – $4,999

  • Listing in annual report
  • Newsletters, Action Alerts and regular legal updates via email
  • Invitations to NCLR virtual events

Liberty Circle | $5,000 – $7,499

All of the above plus

  • NCLR sticker, tote bag

Equality Circle | $7,500 – $9,999

All of the above plus

  • VIP invitations to NCLR virtual events

Freedom Circle | $10,000 – $14,999

All of the above plus

  • Half page color digital program ad in Gala program
  • Personalized program briefings with NCLR’s legal team

Advocate Circle | $15,000 – $24,999

All of the above plus

  • Half page color digital program ad in Gala program
  • Personalized program briefings with NCLR’s legal team

Justice Circle | $25,000 – $49,999

All of the above plus

  • Full page color digital program ad in Gala program
  • Opportunity to meet with NCLR’s Executive Director or Legal Director

Champion Circle | $50,000 and above

All of the above plus

  • Premier placement of full-page black and white advertisement in annual Anniversary Celebration Program Book
  • Tailored in depth written report on current NCLR work and growth, and future strategies and cases
  • Opportunity to present an award at one of NCLR’s events
  • Additional benefits developed based on individual donor interests
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