The time to take action for our rights is now! Join NCLR’s Pride is Powerful campaign to make a bold statement in support of LGBTQ equality nationwide.

After decades of progress, advancing our right to live, love, work and parent freely, we are now seeing the greatest backlash in our movement’s history. Increasingly, we are witnessing our courts of law and halls of congress enact and defend new legislation that strips the LGBTQ community of our inalienable rights.

This past year brought an unprecedented level of political vitriol directed at our community. Violence against LGBTQ people, especially children, continues to rise, while our lawmakers are either defiant in their efforts to harm us or ineffective to stop others.

While the attacks on our community seem unrelenting, our resolve has never been stronger. The time to act is now! NCLR is taking bold action to defend our rights, and your support is critical to our success. Will you join us to ensure that Pride is Powerful? Together, the future of our movement is bright.

Follow these steps to make a powerful play for our rights!

  • Make a donation today! All donations through June 30 will be matched dollar for dollar.
  • Become an NCLR Champion! Hold your own NCLR fundraiser and help us meet our $100k goal before June 30. See our step-by-step guide to set up your own Pride is Powerful fundraiser with JustGiving!
  • Use the messaging in our Pride is Powerful Playbook and the resources below to spread the word about the Pride is Powerful campaign! Boost our message within your own networks so people you know can support our work!

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