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Our Voices

“All 50”  is a universal standard model in policy and education for transgender inclusion in K-12 sport and activity associations for all 50 states. It will be based on this single principle—transgender high school students athletes will compete in the gender in which they identify and have a positive sport experience. Download PDF


We trust all members of our teams to be honest, responsible and mature. We desire what is best for the team as a whole, what is fair and workable for all individuals on the team and is based on broad principles of fairness. These expectations are for all members of our teams who must work together for the good of the team. Download the Model Policy.  


A compilation of policy statements from professional associations and organizations supporting adoption by Gay, Lesbian, and Bisexual people. Organizations include: American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry American Academy of Family Physicians American Academy of Pediatrics American Bar Association American Medical Association American Psychiatric Association American Psychoanalytic Association American Psychological Association Child Welfare League of America Evan B. Donaldson...


This groundbreaking new publication is a product of the Putting Pride into Practice Project, a project of Family Builders by Adoption to help child welfare professionals better serve LGBTQ children and youth in foster care. These guidelines provide much-needed direction to child welfare agencies on how best to collect, record, and disclose information on the sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender expression of children and youth in foster care. Developed in partnership with Legal...


A statement from the National Safe Schools Roundtable about its commitment to addressing issues of race and racism as an integral part of its work to improve the wellbeing of LGBTQ youth in schools. Download PDF


This publication provides a comprehensive analysis of negative recruiting based on actual or perceived sexual orientation, and recommends practices and policies to eliminate it. Negative recruiting refers to the practice of playing on homophobic stereotypes to deter recruits from attending rival athletic programs by alleging or implying that a rival coach or team members are lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender (LGBT). Because sexual orientation is irrelevant to coaching, leadership, or...


This joint publication with NCLR and GLSEN provides an overview of lawsuits brought against school districts for failing to protect students from anti-LGBTQ harassment and discrimination. In all of the cases, the student either prevailed after trial, or achieved a settlement. The school districts paid up to $1.1 million in settlements or judgments and often were required to implement significant policy changes and training programs. Download PDF


This easy-to-use resource contains the first-ever set of comprehensive professional guidelines for how child welfare and juvenile justice professionals can best serve LGBTQ youth in state care. The Best Practice Guidelines for Serving LGBTQ Youth in Out of Home Care developed out of recommendations from the Model Standards Project, a collaboration between Legal Services for Childrenand the National Center for Lesbian Rights. Download a PDF of the full publication Download a PDF of the...
