


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE February 26, 2018 Contact:  Lauren Gray, NCLR lgray@nclrights.org / (215) 983-3099   In Victory for LGBTQ Community, U.S. Supreme Court Allows Decision Ruling Married Same-Sex Parents and Married Different-Sex Parents Must be Treated Equally to Stand U.S. Supreme Court Will Not Review Arizona Supreme Court Decision in McLaughlin NCLR says, “States across the country should take careful...


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contacts:  Lauren Gray, Communications Director lgray@nclrights.org / (215) 983-3099  National Center for Lesbian Rights wins Arizona same-sex parental rights case AZ Supreme Court says same-sex spouse is a legal parent      (San Francisco, CA, September 19, 2017)—Today, the National Center for Lesbian Rights (NCLR) won the Arizona Supreme Court case, McLaughlin v. McLaughlin, which ruled that a...


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