

NCLR Celebrates Five-Year Anniversary of Obergefell, Historic Supreme Court Ruling on Marriage Equality

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEJune 26, 2020 CONTACTS:Christopher Vasquez, NCLR Communications Director415.365.1337 | cvasquez@nclrights.org NCLR CELEBRATES FIVE-YEAR ANNIVERSARY OF OBERGEFELL, HISTORIC SUPREME COURT RULING ON MARRIAGE EQUALITY “Obergefell was about much more than simply winning the freedom to marry.” WASHINGTON, DC – The National Center for Lesbian Rights (NCLR) today joins with millions of LGBTQ...


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contacts:  Lauren Gray, Communications Director lgray@nclrights.org / (215) 983-3099  National Center for Lesbian Rights wins Arizona same-sex parental rights case AZ Supreme Court says same-sex spouse is a legal parent      (San Francisco, CA, September 19, 2017)—Today, the National Center for Lesbian Rights (NCLR) won the Arizona Supreme Court case, McLaughlin v. McLaughlin,...


In 2013, Houston mayor Annise Parker directed that same-sex spouses of city employees who were legally married in another state be afforded the same benefits as different-sex spouses of city employees. Two individuals, represented by the anti-LGBTQ group Texas Values, filed a lawsuit in Texas state court challenging the extension of benefits to same-sex spouses, arguing that it violated Texas’s prohibition on marriage for same-sex couples. In 2015, while the Texas case was pending, the...


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact:  Lauren Gray Director of Communications National Center for Lesbian Rights Office: 415.365.1324 Mobile: 215.983.3099 LGray@nclrights.org  Four days after the National Center for Lesbian Rights wins U.S. Supreme Court case Pavan, the Texas Supreme Court allows unconstitutional claim to continue (San Francisco, CA, June 30, 2017)—Today, the Texas Supreme Court issued its decision in Pidgeon v....


On February 8, 2017, NCLR, GLAD, and Lambda Legal filed an amicus brief arguing that Louisiana’s law requiring any foreign-born person to present a certified birth certificate in order to marry was an unconstitutional infringement on the fundamental right to marry, and requesting that the court grant a preliminary injunction against enforcement of that law. The plaintiff in the case was Viet Anh Vo, a U.S. citizen who was born in a refugee camp in Indonesia and thus did not have an...


(Miami, FL, July 25, 2014)—Today, a state trial court in Miami issued a decision striking down Florida’s ban on marriage for same-sex couples and ordering Miami-Dade County to allow same-sex couples to marry. The court stayed the order pending appeal. The case was brought by Equality Florida Institute and Catherina Pareto and Karla Arguello, Dr. Juan Carlos Rodriguez and David Price, Vanessa and Melanie Alenier, Todd and Jeff Delmay, Summer Greene and Pamela Faerber, and Don Price Johnston and...
