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Our Voices

The Human Rights Campaign Foundation, in collaboration with legal and education experts at the National Center for Lesbian Rights, the National Association of School Psychologists, and the National Education Association, released Advocating for LGBTQ Students with Disabilities, a powerful new resource that provides educators and parents an overview of the rights of LGBTQ students with disabilities, as well as actionable recommendations on how to best support them. It includes a blueprint...


This practice guide provides an overview of SOGIE data collection in pubic youth-serving systems in California and nationally, discusses the lessons learned from these efforts, and conclude with recommendations for public agencies in Santa Clara County that are contemplating or implementing SOGIE data collection. SOGIE Data Collection in Public Systems of Care: A Practice Guide for Santa Clara County


The Human Rights Campaign and the National Center for Lesbian Rights released Just As They Are, a comprehensive resource for parents on the harmful practice known as “conversion therapy.” The guide helps parents recognize when and how conversion therapy is promoted, provides information about the dangers of the practice, and outlines best practices for parents seeking to promote the health and well-being of their LGBTQ child, including finding inclusive counseling services...


Intended parents using assisted reproduction (other than surrogacy) in California can use state forms to protect their families.  California provides form language in its statutes that can be used to show the intentions of parents and donors involved in the conception of a child and who should be the child’s parents. Those forms, created by AB 960, are included in this publication. This publication also has answers to questions you might have about the law and how to protect your family...


Schools In Transition: A Guide for Supporting Transgender Students in K-12 Schools is a first-of-its-kind publication for school administrations, teachers, and parents about how to provide safe and supportive environments for all transgender students, kindergarten through twelfth grade.  View guide


This comprehensive practice guide, written by NCLR Youth Project Director Shannan Wilber for the Annie E. Casey Foundation, provides juvenile justice agencies the tools to meet their obligation to ensure the safety and well-being of LGBTQ youth in their care. The guide covers a broad range of topics, including nondiscrimination policies, staff training, talking with LGBTQ youth about sexuality and gender, and making individualized classification and housing decisions. Download


This guide—a National Center for Lesbian Rights and ACLU joint publication—identifies laws, court decisions, advocacy tips, and other resources that may be helpful for adult transgender prisoners. Each transgender person’s experience in prison and jail is different, in part because the conditions vary a great deal from one prison to another and change over time. However, the safety and health of every transgender prisoner in the United States is guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution no matter...
