


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE November 9, 2018 Contacts: Lauren Gray, NCLR lgray@nclrights.org / (215) 983-3099   Trump’s Plan to Cut Off Access to Asylum is Illegal and Will Endanger LGBTQ Lives Washington, D.C.—Yesterday, the Trump administration announced its intention to adopt a new federal rule preventing certain individuals who enter the U.S. from Mexico from seeking asylum. For more than 20 years, NCLR has provided...


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Lauren Gray, Communications Director, NCLR lgray@nclrights.org / (215) 983-3099 After NCLR victory for LGBTQ youth in Utah State Board of Education case, Salt Lake City Mayor gives NCLR Executive Director Kate Kendell a Key to the City at Coming Out Day Celebration   Last year, NCLR sued the Utah State Board of Education for censoring content about LGBTQ people. Today, Salt Lake City Mayor Jackie...


LGBTQ individuals disproportionately interact with the criminal justice system and are often the victims of this cash bail system. LGBTQ people are more likely to be assessed a higher bail than others because they are seen as greater flight risks and more likely to be a danger to the community based on stereotypes and perceptions that LGBTQ people are not connected to families or communities. Read more


(Washington, DC, June 22, 2017)—Today, Senate Republicans released a “discussion draft” of their healthcare repeal plan. National Center for Lesbian Rights Executive Director Kate Kendell issued the following statement in response:   “After unprecedented secrecy during drafting, a small number of senators put forward a plan today to take away healthcare from millions of Americans, including millions of LGBTQ Americans,” said Kate Kendell, executive director at the National Center for Lesbian...


On June 13, 2017,  the Human Rights Campaign and National Center for Lesbian Rights delivered a letter to the U.S. Senate urging them not to gut access to healthcare. More than 60 LGBTQ organizations, representing millions of LGBTQ people across the country, signed onto this letter sharing deep concerns for the health of our community. The letter notes that the Congressional Budget Office has projected that repeal of the Affordable Care Act would result in 14 million Americans losing health...


On May 23rd, President Trump released his first full federal budget proposal. While many knew it would be bad, nothing could have prepared us for this. If enacted, this budget would be devastating. It slashes funding for vital programs and services that help struggling individuals and families afford the basics- food, housing, heating, education, and healthcare. At the same time, the budget seeks an additional $54 billion for the defense department and gives corporations and the wealthy...


NCLR’s Born Perfect Campaign adds new win to state-by-state advocacy efforts (San Francisco, CA, May 17, 2017)—Today, Nevada Governor Brian Sandoval signed SB201 into law, putting an end to the fraudulent, harmful and unscientific practice of so-called “conversion therapy” in the state of Nevada for LGBTQ youth. Today’s bill signing was the result of targeted grassroots advocacy efforts by the National Center for Lesbian Rights (NCLR), Gender Justice Nevada, Kaempfer Crowell, and the Human...


(San Francisco, CA, May 4, 2017)—Today, the U.S. House of Representatives passed a bill to repeal the Affordable Care Act, which if passed, would leave millions of Americans without health insurance, strip protections from discrimination based on pre-existing conditions, gut Medicaid, block patient access to trusted medical providers at Planned Parenthood, and undercut 30 years of progress made in fighting HIV. The Affordable Care Act provided coverage to thousands of people living with HIV by...


NCLR says order “revised after LGBTQ community came out in full force” and that “the LGBTQ community will not stand down” (San Francisco, CA, May 4, 2017)—Today, President Trump signed an executive order expanding religious exemptions, weakening our nation’s commitment to separation between church and state and permitting decisions about employees’ access to health care to be made based on the personal religious views of employers. National Center for...


(Washington, DC, May 3, 2017)—This afternoon, LGBTQ community members, advocates, religious leaders, and others will gather across the street from the White House to speak out against the religious liberties executive order that will reportedly be signed tomorrow by Trump. Leaked previous versions of this executive order sanctioned discrimination against the LGBTQ community and scaled back access to health care for women under a distorted interpretation of religious liberty. At the rally this...
