Spill the beans already

Become an NCLR Ambassador

Join the National Leadership Council. The National Leadership Council (NLC) provides leadership and counsel on issues related to strengthening NCLR’s national presence. They serve as our key point of contact, lend their professional expertise, and outreach in their communities, making it possible for us to achieve a greater depth and reach. NLC members bring a level of energy and vision which assists the organization in truly serving its national LGBT constituency. 

Join the National Family Law Advisory Council. Over the past three decades, NCLR has partnered with talented attorneys across the nation to advance the rights and protections of LGBTQ parents and families. In 2003, NCLR convened a group of experienced family law and estate planning attorneys from around the country to discuss family formation and protection issues, evaluating national trends and state-by-state cases. The meeting proved to be invaluable to both NCLR and the private practitioners involved in addressing the ever-evolving legal challenges LGBTQ families face. The group has continued to grow and meet annually, and in 2006, was formally formed as NCLR’s National Family Law Advisory Council with San Francisco attorney Deborah Wald as the founding Chair. The Council consists of 44 family law attorneys from more than 15 states, including Alaska, Arizona, California, Illinois, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Virginia, Washington D.C., Washington state, and Wisconsin.

For more information about becoming an ambassador, please contact Elizabeth Lanyon, Associate Director of Philanthropy, or call 415-365-1318.

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