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Our Voices

Introduction Lesbian, gay, bisexual, questioning, gender nonconforming, and transgender (LGBTQI) youth are well documented as disproportionally represented in the juvenile justice system. These disparities, coupled with the high visibility of LGBTQI youth as leaders amongst prominent campaigns to abolish the youth prison model, emphasize the importance of examining the concerns facing LGBTQI youth involved in the prison abolition movement, and the strengths they bring to the effort. This...


FAQ: Documents and Protections for LGBTQ People and Their Families During COVID-19 Crisis In the current Covid-19 (Coronavirus) pandemic, LGBTQ+ people may be considering how to protect themselves and their families, and what they wish to happen if they become seriously ill or incapacitated. This FAQ provides information about documents and other legal protections LGBTQ+ people can create to reflect their wishes. [You can download a PDF version of this FAQ here.] If you have more questions...


LGBTQ individuals disproportionately interact with the criminal justice system and are often the victims of this cash bail system. LGBTQ people are more likely to be assessed a higher bail than others because they are seen as greater flight risks and more likely to be a danger to the community based on stereotypes and perceptions that LGBTQ people are not connected to families or communities. Read more


NCLR’s report to the Human Rights Council of the United Nations regarding the United States’ compliance with its human rights obligations in the area of the family relationships of LGBTQ people and conversion therapy. Download PDF


A compilation of policy statements from professional associations and organizations supporting adoption by Gay, Lesbian, and Bisexual people. Organizations include: American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry American Academy of Family Physicians American Academy of Pediatrics American Bar Association American Medical Association American Psychiatric Association American Psychoanalytic Association American Psychological Association Child Welfare League of America Evan B. Donaldson...
