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Our Voices

Poverty at the End of the Rainbow is a group of fact sheets written in an attempt to equip advocates, lawmakers, community members and allies alike with a greater understanding of the unique challenges facing LGBTQ+ people living in poverty. These challenges are specifically heightened during the pandemic but go far deeper than the current circumstances. Please read on for more information. This compilation of fact sheets are published by The National LGBTQ Anti-Poverty Action Network. Get the...


The Department of Labor’s overtime pay rule change would benefit hundreds of thousands of LGBTQ workers, their families, and their communities. Despite the significant political, social, and legal gains made by the LGBTQ community in the United States, many LGBTQ workers still struggle to make ends meet. LGBTQ individuals – particularly women, transgender people, and people of color – experience higher rates of poverty than do the general U.S population. In addition...


LGBTQ individuals disproportionately interact with the criminal justice system and are often the victims of this cash bail system. LGBTQ people are more likely to be assessed a higher bail than others because they are seen as greater flight risks and more likely to be a danger to the community based on stereotypes and perceptions that LGBTQ people are not connected to families or communities. Read more


We trust all members of our teams to be honest, responsible and mature. We desire what is best for the team as a whole, what is fair and workable for all individuals on the team and is based on broad principles of fairness. These expectations are for all members of our teams who must work together for the good of the team. Download the Model Policy.  


NCLR’s report to the Human Rights Council of the United Nations regarding the United States’ compliance with its human rights obligations in the area of the family relationships of LGBTQ people and conversion therapy. Download PDF


A pioneering new report authored by the National Center for Lesbian Rights and the Sylvia Rivera Law Project urges group care facilities to reassess their treatment of transgender and gender non-conforming youth and to adopt policies and practices that provide these youth with appropriate, fair and equal care. The report is the first to provide comprehensive guidance about the treatment of transgender and gender non-conforming youth in group care facilities,—including detention centers,...


This groundbreaking new publication is a product of the Putting Pride into Practice Project, a project of Family Builders by Adoption to help child welfare professionals better serve LGBTQ children and youth in foster care. These guidelines provide much-needed direction to child welfare agencies on how best to collect, record, and disclose information on the sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender expression of children and youth in foster care. Developed in partnership with Legal...
